Thank you for Submitting an Order Request!
Next Step: Add 650-348-5525 to your phone contacts.
Please answer, or return our calls promptly, as this will help decrease processing times. We pull every order that comes through and, unfortunately, many have gone unanswered. We thank you for your help and understanding.
Due to limited staff, response times can take up to three days. We will contact you once we confirm we have your items in stock. We process orders in the order in which they were received, so we cannot guarantee we have everything in stock. Thank you for your patience during this time!
ONE MORE THING… Our order request system does not have the ability to send a confirmation email to you when you hit submit.
*** If you would like to save the order you typed in, press the ‘Back’ button on your browser, and copy/paste or print it out somewhere safe. (just try not to resubmit the order accidentally) ***
This is how our nursery is now arranged for pick-up orders. drive in, stop at the stop sign, and wait for an employee to direct you.
TIP: once you pay, you’ll be given a location or cart #. please write this on a piece of paper with your name on it. upon arrival, show it through your window to the employee that greets you.